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Thursday, January 26, 2012

My take on Crystals ~

                                                 They look like Jelly Beans

The use of crystals dates back as far as there are records of history itself. They were used in Biblical times, throughout Ancient Egypt, Rome and date to all ancient cultures.

The actual word crystal comes from a Greek word Crystallos, from “Krysos” meaning “ice cold”, as it was originally thought that crystals were a type of ice that was so cold it would never melt. Around the late 1700’s this theory was superseded by the idea that crystals “grew” by the addition of layers.

                                         Pretty Quartz!!

Crystal in fact came from the period in history when the Earth was forming. The heating and cooling of the planet formed the magnificent crystalline objects we have today.

Most crystals are formed mainly from silicon and oxygen, silicon being a most prolific element in the Earth’s core. When silicon and oxygen combine, they form silicon dioxide, which is also known as quartz. The other elements which are present during this combining of elements are what create the different types of crystals and contribute to its properties.

There are of course other types of crystal formations such as Diamonds which are made from carbon, Jet, which is fossilized wood or coal, Amber which is a resin. So the category of crystal /mineral/ gemstone is quite broad, and also includes such minerals as silver and gold.

During the mechanical revolution, the world experienced a shift in it’s thinking where “medicine” and other practices became redefined and much more scientific.

Only now are we moving back to acceptance of historic tradition in term of healing and spiritualism where we have the option to work with both ancient and modern modalities, benefiting in the wisdom of both worlds.

The popularity of using crystals is spreading rapidly as we move into an era of open-mindedness and a willingness to experience different modalities in a search for “what works” for us as individuals.

                                                        The Amethyst

Choosing your Crystals ~

There is a good book called Crystal Bible by Judy Hall and it talks about all types of Crystals and their meaning. Best to read about Crystals more if you are drawn to the idea of having them around for healing purposes.

I found this to be true - that Crystals choose us. My Crystals chose me, 'take me home' and I was just drawn to alot of them but I also chose to use my intuition to see if it was right for me to take a particular Crystal home with me.

What's worked for me is buying Crystals from reputable Metaphysics store, because they would generally know how the Crystals were taken from the Earth. There are some that engage in illegal ways such as using explosives, etc. and we don't want that - it's hurtful just thinking about it. 

Clearing your Crystals ~
Yey! How exciting, so your Crystals have been through many hands and so it's important to clear it from negative energies that it has picked up.

There are several ways to Clear your Crystals of unwanted energies:

1. Reiki
2.Intention ~
3. Sage
4. Sunlight
5.Full Moon
6. Sea Salt and Water
7. Running water

Charging your Crystals ~

1. Reiki
2. Intention


1. Crystals Bible - Judy Hall
2. Moonfyre Metaphysics - Campbell, Ca.

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